Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Using Widgets > Creating Conditions with the Targeted Content Widget > Creating Conditions for the Targeted Content Widget

Creating Conditions for the Targeted Content Widget

The Targeted Content widget lets you personalize your site visitors' experience by providing content that matches their interests, thereby placing your site information in the context of your users. For example, the search keywords used to find your site might determine the best offer to show a prospect. Or, site members might explicitly state their interests by adding to their user profile or filling out a survey.

In both cases, the Targeted Content widget ensures the delivery of the right experience to compel each site visitor to take action. The widget lets you gather information from each interaction, and use that information to direct visitors to content that relates to their specific interests.

Targeting content is as easy as building an email rule in Microsoft Outlook, or a playlist in Itunes. No custom development or IT resources are required.

To achieve these goals, the Targeted Content widget lets you create a set of conditions. Along with the conditions, you define widgets to provide content for users who satisfy the conditions.

Each widget consists of one or more conditions. Each condition can have one or more criteria. For example, a condition may stipulate that the URL parameter terms contains either "pizza" or "Italian."

After assigning conditions to a Targeted Content widget, you assign one or more widgets to it. The widgets appear on the page only if a condition evaluates to true.

To continue the example, if the page has a URL parameter that contains "pizza," display a Taxonomy Summary widget showing content to which the Taxonomy category "pizza" is assigned.

You can assign any number of conditions to the Targeted Content widget. As soon as one is true, its associated widgets appear, and any remaining conditions are ignored.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

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